School App lets parents watch learning from a distance
Marlborough Girls’ College parents can use a new app to check their daughter’s results and whether she has been in class.
About 600 people have downloaded the School App since it was launched at the college in February.
The technology allows parents and students to access a wealth of school information on a smartphone or tablet. Read the full article from the Marlborough Express
School app keeps parents close
Whakaronga School students Finnley Wineera, 13, left, Phoebe Phillips, 12, and Jack Carey, 13, with principal Jaco Broodryk show off the school’s new School app. Whakarongo School is one of a growing number of New Zealand schools changing how it communicates with parents and pupils by taking a more tech-savvy approach to the issue. Read the full article from the Manawatu Standard

School app gives parents the news
Keeping up with the kids’ school activities just got easier for some Hamilton parents thanks to a mobile phone app. Parents can notify absences, check upcoming events and get notices and more through Southwell School’s app. Southwell is thought to be the first Waikato school to get an app and headmaster Royce Helm said it was about “being on the front foot”. Read the full article from the Waikato Times
Staying connected with school-specific apps
Don’t waste time sending out hundreds of emails or printing newsletters, the School App is not only a great tool to stay connected, but is also a step in the right direction for schools who want to rid of its paper trail. Read the full article from the Principals Today magazine issue 103

Popular app cuts school’s paper trail
Lynmore Primary School is the face of the future as it ditches paper notices for a school-wide app. Lynmore Primary School principal Lorraine Taylor said she saw a Hawke’s Bay high school advertising its app on Facebook. “I saw it and thought it was a great idea so contacted the developers late last year and got the ball rolling,” she said. Read the full article from the Rotorua Daily Post
New app keeps campus connected
EIT ideaschool staff and students are keeping in touch with their own app in a very “snAppy” way. Features on the newly-launched app include maps of the Hawke’s Bay campus and buildings, a list of contacts, a late line connection and links to useful sources of information. Staff are also using it to post news items and notifications about upcoming deadlines and events. Read the full article from the Hawkes Bay Today

Schools smarten up on parent contact
Kelburn Normal School is one of a growing number of Wellington schools adapting to changing communication by using a customised smartphone app. The school app allows parents to notify absences online, receive instant alerts and check the school calendar for upcoming events. It also allows users to check school notices and contact details. Read the full article on stuff.co.nz
Lindisfarne College Launches School Mobile Application
Lindisfarne College has moved with the times and launched its own mobile App. It is believed to be the first secondary school in Hawkes Bay to do so. The eye catching App was developed by local company snApp Mobile who worked with the College to provide an attractive and functional design based around the distinctive College crest and colours. Read the full article on Lindisfarne’s website

New app puts school at fingertips
St Matthew’s Collegiate School students have been swift to take up a smartphone app that aims to revolutionise the way parents, teachers and pupils stay in touch.
Natalie Finnigan, Trinity Schools communications manager, said the School Apps NZ snApp Mobile software was rolled out at the Masterton school in the final week of last term and already this term there had been about 300 downloads of the app, which is compatible with iOS and Android cell phone operating systems..